“We believe that every person has a part to play in fulfilling the Great Commission and seeing the nations of the earth reached for Jesus.”
Antioch Community Church is committed to seeing change both locally and globally. Matthew 28:19-20 says: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” We don’t want missions to be something a few people do on the side, but instead, part of who we are as a church. We are excited to mobilize people from our city to make a global impact through praying, giving, or going.
Steps to the nations
Do you have a call from the Lord to serve Him overseas? Or do you have a small bit of interest and would like to learn more? Wherever you are on the scale, we have great and simple ways for you to learn about God’s heart for the nations and reach the unreached around the world!
1. Explore
The first step is to explore your interest through a local opportunity. This is intended to train you in ministering to people in our city and nation first.
2. Engage
The second step is to engage with life overseas, either by going yourself or praying! Our overseas short-term trips and internships are intended to serve the vision of an overseas team and reach the unreached.
Summer Short-Term Trip (~2 weeks)
Intercession Trip (~2 weeks)
Engage the Nations Internship (3 months)
Lead or Start a Prayer Shield
3. Prepare
To go overseas for a year or longer, completion of the Antioch Discipleship School is required to prepare you to go.
Complete the Discipleship School (9 months)
4. launch
The last step is to launch out! There are different options available.
Serve Internship with an established overseas team (1 year)
Join or Start a Long-Term Team* (3+ years)
Overseas Pastoral, Team Training or Strategic Roles*
*Requires the Church-Planting School
upcoming missions opportunities
Impact Trips
Impact Trips are typically trips that are 2-weeks or less in length. These trips are hosted by Antioch Fullerton and are led by members of our community. Click the button to see current opportunities!
summer internships - engage the nations
“Engage the Nations” is a 3-month summer program hosted by the Antioch Movement that aims to transform lives while investing in God’s work around the world. These summer internship programs are geared toward college students and young adults looking to step onto the front lines and participate in what God is doing in the earth. The Antioch Movement identifies numerous locations abroad to facilitate teams of interns to live on adventure, in community and minister in difficult places. Interns will have the opportunity to engage God’s mission through church-planting initiatives and potential humanitarian outreach efforts.
other ways to get involved
Interest Form
Interested in missions but don’t know where to start? We’d love to connect with you! Fill out the interest form below and we’ll be in touch!
Can’t go but want to give? Click below to find opportunities to partner financially with Antioch Fullerton missionaries & mission trips.
have questions?
Contact us at missions@antiochfullerton.com