Written by members of our very own church family, each of these 8 daily devotionals will contain the following elements to guide you through Holy Week:
A passage of Scripture from the Gospels
A devotional
Questions for reflection
A written prayer
A devotional activity suitable for families with young children.
We invite you to intentionally carve out at least 15-minutes of your morning each day for the next week, including Easter Sunday, as we take time as a church family to reflect on the suffering and triumph of our great savior, the Messiah, King Jesus!
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Keep scrolling to access the devotionals! *They will be published one-by-one each day of Holy Week.

After this sweet encounter with Mary, Jesus gave her a command — to go to the others and tell them about Him and all He said. And she did so, without hesitation.
As we continue to reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, may we not just hold onto the truths for ourselves. May we be encouraged and empowered to go and tell the world about Him. About this Jesus who lived a perfect life, died a terrible death, and rose again to reign forever. This Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who knows you and me by name.
Hallelujah, He is risen!

We have the living word speaking to us as we read the Bible. He never misses the chance to be with us and to forgive our transgressions. Our heaven bound journey isn’t easy, but sacrificially through our obedience we are seen, sanctified, and saved.

In the Kingdom of God, honor and humility are higher than power and control. If we are disciples called to be like Jesus, the means that we should not only be willing and ready to grab a towel and a bowl, kneel before those around us, and wash their feet.

On this good day, Jesus proved that he is madly in love with you when he let nails be hammered into his body. He offered his life and nothing less when he took his last breath. And we became his righteousness when he declared, “it is finished!” On this good day, can you hear this song?

To this question today, I believe we can also boldly proclaim that there is absolutely no waste in bringing our best to Jesus, in being misunderstood for his sake, in prioritizing spiritual gain over earthly gain. Both the woman and Judas are dealing in the value of Jesus, but unfortunately, only one of them truly gets it and reaps the rewards. Only the woman understands that Jesus’ value extends far beyond what money can offer and that absolutely no amount of money measures up to who this man is. Sadly, Judas is too distracted by worldly gain and therefore completely misses the wasting away of his own soul. In light of these events, we are invited to scrutinize self-interest and give Jesus what he is due, which is our everything.

Holy Tuesday removes all authority from human doing to bring us to God and firmly places all authority in heaven and on earth in Jesus for you and me “to Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength,” and to “ Love your neighbor as yourself.” Just like Jesus saw the poor widow on Tuesday offer all of the nothing that she had to God and loved her for it–Jesus welcomes all of our nothing in exchange for God’s life-giving love.

As we start this holy week, crying out “save us” (Hosanna) from places of loss, pain, fear, rejection, and frustration. May we be open to the true saving Jesus has and be willing to lay down our misguided expectations of what He might do for us.

We must understand, Jesus is someone who gives us what we need. Though we may want many things, the truest thing we need is the perfect and sufficient sacrifice Jesus made on the cross on our behalf.
And we know that for those who love God “all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
So this Palm Sunday reflect on Jesus who has given us exactly what we need most desperately.