Emotional Health & Freedom

Introduction to emotional health & Freedom
Jesus promised abundant life and victory through the cross, yet many Christians struggle to experience that life day to day. Being made in the image of an emotional God, we believe that we will struggle to walk in spiritual and relational maturity until we also have a grasp on emotional maturity. Included are recommended resources as well as a sermon series (Get Real) with tools and group discussion guides that will help you begin your journey toward emotional health.
āGet Realā series content & tools
Wk 1. // Get real about your emotions
Theme: Understanding the role of emotions and the effects of the fall (why we hide from God, others, and ourselves).
Scripture: Genesis 3:1-13, 21
Application Tool: Daily Reflection ā each night before you go to sleep, take 5 minutes to think back through your day. What are the good things that happened for which you can thank God? What are the bad things you can mourn, repent, or vent to God?
Wk 2. // Get real about your past
Theme: Understanding that our past shapes our present. When youāre looking back to go forward, the first step is awareness.
Scripture: Exodus 34:6-7
Application Tool: 10 commandments ā Write down your own set of unspoken or implicit ā10 commandmentsā your family may have passed down to you. This will help you become aware of patterns of brokenness as the power of Jesus sets you free from generational sins.
Wk 3. // Get real about your limitations
Theme: Hitting āThe Wallā. Experiencing our weaknesses, inabilities, and limitations.
Scripture: Matthew 26:31-35 (in context of the greater journey of the disciple Peter within the Gospels).
Application Tool: Identifying fears ā read over the list of fears. Which one do you most relate to that might guide much of your behavior? How does that play out in your life? What might God want to do there?
Wk 4. // Get real about your grief & loss
Theme: Embracing grief, loss, and suffering is an important part of our Christian experience. The way forward in life isnāt fleeing from or trying to go around pain, but going through pain with God.
Scripture: Psalm 25
Application Tool: Lament ā This pattern of lament (an expression of grief or sorrow) is something we see regularly in the Psalms. This tool will help you bring your pain before God in honesty, petition, and praise.
Wk 5. // Get real about your thoughts
Theme: Understanding power of thoughtsāhow to break strongholds of lies through repentance and the ārenewing of your mindā (Romans 12:2).
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Application Tool: Replacing Lies ā Use this simple process to investigate your own thought patterns and mindsets and invite the Holy Spirit to renew your mind. 1) Recognize the fear or lie. 2) Repent of sin. 3) Replace the lie with truth.
Wk 6. // Get real about valuing yourself
Theme: Rest and the Sabbathāthe role it plays in the Christianās life and how that might look today. Learning to live in the yoke and rhythm of Jesus by looking at the creation story (Genesis 1 and 2) and Godās command to practice the Sabbath.
Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30, Exodus 20:8-11
Application Tool: Sabbath ā This tool provides some ideas of where to start for a weekly Sabbath time. Is there a rhythm of slowing down and stopping that would be helpful for you?
Wk 7. // Get real about your relationships
Theme: The importance of healthy relationshipsālearning to better love and grow in the relationships that matter to us the most.
Scripture: Genesis 2:18, James 1:19-20
Application Tool: Intentional Listening ā 4 steps to love people well by listening on purpose.
āGet Realā Sermon series